Terms of service use & conditions


Terms of Service use & conditions


These terms of service (hereinafter “User Terms”) govern “you”, “your”, “passenger” access to and use of

VOGN’s services and products, including, but not limited to, transportation services, software applications,

and websites.

In these User Terms, the phrases “including” and “inclusive” mean “including but not limited to”.

In these User Terms, “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to VOGN.

“Application” refers to the software application and the associated services provided by VOGN to you, as

specified under the terms and conditions described in these User Terms.

“Website” refers to www.vogn.com and any subdomains associated with this domain.



The service (specified in point 2.1 below) is provided by VOGN Denmark ApS (registration number:

39303930), a company located at Raffinaderivej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark (hereinafter referred to as




Welcome to VOGN


1.1 These User Terms apply between you and VOGN, from the moment you register and create an account

with VOGN, and throughout the period you use our services (specified in point 2.1 below).

1.2 Before you start using our services (specified in point 2.1 below), it is essential that you read and

understand these User Terms. Accessing and using our services indicates your acceptance of these User

Terms. If you disagree with the terms, you should refrain from using our services.



VOGN service


2.1 VOGN offers a user-friendly platform (“The Service”), which allows you to request, reserve, and pay for

transportation services (“Ride”, “Rides”) through the VOGN program (“The App”), which can be downloaded

to your mobile device. The rides are provided by certified drivers (“Drivers”).

2.2 When you submit a request for a Ride via the App, VOGN processes this and may approve your

reservation based on your location and previous payment history. The aim is to match you with a Driver

who can fulfill your request.

2.3 After a Driver has accepted to carry out your Ride, you and the Driver will enter into a separate

agreement regarding the Ride, based on the terms you agree upon. VOGN only facilitates the contact

between you and the Driver, and is not part of the actual transport agreement.

2.4 You have the right to cancel your Ride request before the journey starts by informing the Driver via the

relevant function in the Service. However, if you: (a) cancel more than 3 minutes after a Ride has been

assigned to a Driver, or (b) fail to show up at the agreed pick-up at the specified time in the App, VOGN can

charge a cancellation fee of 50 DKK on behalf of the Driver.

2.5 VOGN may in the future implement social features in the Service, such as the possibility to contact and

rate the Driver. Any use of these features must comply with our Good Behavior Guidelines, as described




Access to the Service


3.1 To use the Service, you must:

(a) be at least 18 years old

(b) download the App onto your mobile device (the App can be downloaded for free from either Google

Play Store or Apple App Store)

(c) create a VOGN account with a phone number and an email address (your “account”); and

(d) accept these Terms of Service and any applicable App Store terms; and

(e) treat your Driver with respect, courtesy, and decency – as you expect to be treated as a passenger.

3.2 You can connect to the Service using a third-party service (e.g., LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, or Twitter),

and you hereby give VOGN permission to access and use your information from these services as permitted

by them and as described in VOGN’s Privacy Policy (Privacy-Policy-of-VOGN-En.pdf).

3.3 To use the Service, you must provide VOGN with valid and updated credit or payment card information.

You authorize VOGN to charge your credit or payment card for the Rides booked via your account, and

confirm that the given information is correct, and that you have the right to use the specified credit or

payment card.

3.4 You are responsible for keeping your login information confidential and for all activities that occur under

your account. If you suspect misuse of your account, you must immediately contact VOGN at


3.5 Your privacy is important to us at VOGN. You can read our Privacy Policy (Privacy-Policy-of-VOGN-En.pdf)

to understand how we collect, use, and share information about you.


your right

Your Right to Use the Service


4.1 As long as you comply with these Terms of Service, VOGN grants you a royalty-free, revocable, non-

exclusive right to access and use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy

(Privacy-Policy-of-VOGN-En.pdf) and the applicable App Store terms. You may not transfer or sublicense this

right to use the Service.

4.2 Unless permitted under these Terms of Service and as allowed by the features of the Service, you agree:

(a) not to copy the App or parts of the Service;

(b) not to distribute, sell, or otherwise make our App or parts of the Service available to others;

(c) not to modify the App or parts of the Service; and

(d) not to attempt to access the code of the App or parts of the Service that VOGN has not expressly made

available to the public.

4.3 You agree that you have no rights to the App or parts of the Service beyond the right to use them in

accordance with these Terms of Service.

4.4 All intellectual property rights in the Service, its content, and any related documentation are owned by

VOGN or its licensors (and are protected by copyright and other laws) and may not be copied, distributed,

republished, or otherwise used without VOGN’s prior written consent. You do not own the Service, its

content, or other related documents beyond the right to use them in accordance.


a ride

Taking a VOGN Ride


5.1 By requesting a Ride, you agree to enter into an additional agreement with your Driver through VOGN.

5.2 When you are on a Ride, you acknowledge:

(a) That your Driver may choose any reasonable route to your desired destination, and VOGN does not

determine any specific route;

(b) That you can change your route in consultation with your Driver;

(c) That extraordinary circumstances may mean that your Driver cannot complete your Ride;

(d) It is not allowed to bring or consume drugs or alcohol in the vehicle;

(e) Weapons are strictly prohibited in the vehicle;

(f) All forms of violence, racism, or discrimination will not be tolerated.

5.3 You commit to treating your Driver with respect and courtesy. Violation of these terms may lead to

sanctions from VOGN, including restricted access to the service.

5.4 VOGN expects a high standard from our Drivers. If you are not satisfied with the ride, please contact us

via the app or at support@vogn.com.


payments & settlements



6.1 All payment processes related to services provided via the VOGN app are managed and processed by

VOGN Danmark ApS. This includes, but is not limited to, invoicing, collection of payments from users,

refunds (if relevant), and transfer of payments to Drivers.

6.2 By using VOGN’s services, you agree to be charged for the services you have received. The total price

includes relevant taxes, charges, and fees in accordance with applicable law.

6.3 Payments will be drawn from the payment method associated with your VOGN account after the service

is delivered. An electronic receipt will be sent to the email address associated with your account.

6.4 VOGN Danmark ApS reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, add, or remove payment structures

or fees. Users will be informed of such changes with reasonable notice via the app or email.

6.5 Canceling a Ride request after a certain time limit may result in a cancellation fee, which will be

deducted from the user’s associated payment method.

6.6 For each Ride request, VOGN will provide an estimate of the total price based on the specified route and

service. The final price may vary based on actual conditions such as time spent, changes in the route, and

road tolls.

6.7 To ensure payment ability, VOGN Danmark ApS may reserve a predetermined amount on the user’s

payment method before the Ride starts.

6.8 Once the Ride is completed, the final amount will be charged by VOGN Danmark ApS on behalf of the

Driver. This amount will be determined based on a combination of factors, including the actual route,

duration, and any additional fees.

6.9 In case of failed payment, VOGN Danmark ApS will attempt again after a certain time period. Repeated

failed payment attempts can result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user’s access to VOGN’s


6.10 VOGN may occasionally offer discounts or promotional offers. These will be applied in accordance with

their specific terms and conditions.

6.11 If a user cannot be charged due to insufficient funds, invalid card details, or other reasons, and VOGN

Danmark ApS is not at fault, the user’s access to VOGN’s services may be suspended until the payment issue

is resolved.

6.12 After the completion of a Ride, the user is encouraged to rate the service and provide feedback.

Feedback should be truthful and representative of the user’s experience.


Apple App Store provisions


7.1 This point 7 applies if the app is acquired from the Apple App Store.

7.2 In addition to these terms for VOGN, you also accept:

(a) These terms are solely between you and VOGN Danmark ApS and VOGN, not Apple, and Apple bears no

responsibility for the app or its content. Your download and use of the app must be in accordance with

Apple’s App Store Service Terms;

(b) The license to use the app is granted to you as a non-transferable license to use on an Apple device that

you own or control, in accordance with Apple’s App Store Service Terms;

(c) Apple has no obligation to provide any form of support for the app;

(d) Should the app not comply with any warranty, it is solely VOGN Danmark ApS and VOGN’s responsibility,

not Apple’s. However, Apple can refund the purchase price of the app to you, if relevant;

(e) VOGN Danmark ApS and VOGN are responsible for all claims related to the app, including product

liability, compliance with legislation, and consumer protection;

(f) In the event of third-party claims regarding intellectual property rights infringement concerning the app,

it is VOGN Danmark ApS and VOGN, not Apple, that is responsible for investigation, defense, and


(g) You must not be in an area subject to a U.S. embargo or in a country designated by the U.S. as

“supporting terrorism”, and you must not be on any U.S. government “blacklist”;

(h) When using the app, you must comply with all third-party terms;

(i) Apple and its subsidiaries are considered third-party recipients of these terms regarding the app license

and have the right to enforce these terms against you.

7.3 In case of discrepancies between these VOGN terms and Apple’s service terms, Apple’s service terms

shall prevail.

7.4 The app can only be used on Apple devices that you own or control, unless otherwise permitted by

App8. Google Play Store Provisions

8.1 This section 8 applies if the app is downloaded from the Google Play Store. In addition to VOGN’s terms,

you accept:

(a) To comply with the service terms of any third-party provider as well as the Google Play Store’s service


(b) Google bears no responsibility for the app’s maintenance, support, or any complaints regarding the app;

(c) Google has no liability towards you in relation to the app;

(d) You acknowledge that Google is a third-party beneficiary of VOGN’s terms in relation to the app; and

(e) To comply with all national and international export laws and regulations applicable to the app.



Your Content


9.1 You confirm that any text, image, or other information you provide to VOGN while using the Service

(“User Content”) complies with the rules for acceptable use (as defined in section 10 below).

9.2 VOGN Danmark ApS does not claim ownership of your user content, and ownership remains with you

(or the relevant third-party owner). You grant VOGN a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and perpetual permission

to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, adapt, reformat, modify, publish, translate, license, and sub-license the

user content anywhere in the world and in any form for the purpose of expanding the Service (including,

where relevant, allowing other users to view your user content).

9.3 You must ensure that you can give us the above permission for any content owned by a third party that

you include in your user content.

9.4 Our right to use your user content does not in any way affect your privacy rights. Refer to the privacy

policy (Privacy-Policy-of-VOGN-En.pdf), which provides information on how VOGN Danmark ApS uses your

personal data.

9.5 The Service provides third-party content, e.g., User Content. VOGN is not responsible for any such

content in any way but may monitor user content and reject, refuse, or delete user content if VOGN

believes it violates any of the Rules for Acceptable Use.



Rules for Acceptable Use


10.1 In addition to the other requirements within these terms and conditions, this section describes specific

rules that apply to your use of the Service (“Rules for Acceptable Use”).

10.2 When using the Service, you must not:

a. Pretend to be someone else or provide misleading information about yourself.

b. Attempt to bypass the security mechanisms of the Service.

c. Use the Service for illegal or unauthorized purposes.

d. Distribute harmful programs like viruses, worms, or Trojans.

e. Distribute spam or other unwanted advertisements.

f. Violate someone else’s privacy or copyright.

g. Display or promote hateful, violent, or discriminatory content.

h. Do anything that could overload, damage, or paralyze the Service.

i. Attempt to access or exploit another user’s account, data, or personal information.

j. Promote or encourage illegal activities.

k. Violate these terms and conditions or other rules set by VOGN.

l. Interfere with another’s use and enjoyment of the Service.

m. Exploit the Service in a manner not approved by VOGN.

10.3 Failure to comply with the rules for acceptable use constitutes a serious breach of these terms and

conditions and may result in VOGN taking one or more of the following actions (with or without notice):

a. Temporarily or permanently revoke your access to the Service.

b. Delete all or parts of your user content.

c. Issue a warning to you.

d. Legally pursue you for reimbursement of all costs based on undeniable harm caused by the violation.

e. Take further legal action against you.

10.4 The responses described in point 10.3 are not limited, and VOGN can take any other action that VOGN

deems appropriate.



Termination of our Relationship


11.1 If at any point you feel you cannot accept these terms and conditions or any changes made to the

terms and conditions or the Service, you must immediately uninstall the App and stop using the Service.

11.2 If you wish to delete your account, you should use the feature in the App, or send us an email at


11.3 VOGN can immediately terminate your use of the Service if you breach these terms and conditions or if

VOGN finds it necessary to protect VOGN’s integrity or the security of VOGN staff or its affiliated drivers.

11.4 VOGN can withdraw the Service as long as VOGN gives you reasonable notice that it plans to do so.

11.5 If the relationship is terminated, or VOGN withdraws the Service, as described in this section, VOGN

may delete your user content or other information it holds about you. You will also lose all rights you have

to use the Service or to access all content provided by us under the Service, all content provided by drivers,

or your user content. VOGN does not offer any compensation for the loss thereof.le’s Service Terms.



Limitation of Liability


12.5 VOGN Denmark ApS or its affiliated companies are not responsible for loss or damage that may arise

from your use of the service, including:

(a) direct or indirect damages or financial losses

(b) loss or misinformation of data

(c) any form of indirect or consequential damage.

Your Compensation to VOGN and VOGN Denmark ApS

12.6 You commit to keeping VOGN and VOGN Denmark ApS harmless for any claim or loss arising from your

use of the service, including:

(a) breach of these terms of sale

(b) violation of laws or third-party rights

(c) use of your user content that may infringe the rights of third parties.



Resolving Disputes


13.1 In case of disputes with VOGN or VOGN Denmark ApS, please first contact support@vogn.com to try to

find a solution.

13.2 If a solution is not found, VOGN, in consultation with you, will find the best method to resolve the






14.1 Any failure to claim compliance with the terms herein is not considered a waiver of these rights.


14.2 (a) To remain current, updates can be made in VOGN’s service. Your continued use is considered

acceptance of these changes.

(b) VOGN can also change these terms of sale. You will be informed before new terms take effect.


Contact vogn

Contact, Feedback, Refund, and Complaints


15.1 Contact VOGN or VOGN Denmark ApS at support@vogn.com regarding questions about these terms of

sale or user terms.

15.2 Feedback is welcome, and by providing feedback, you transfer the rights to this feedback to VOGN.

15.3 Complaints about trip prices can be sent to support@vogn.com. Approved complaints will result in a

refund to the used payment account.